If you are considering about advertising on social media, then you should also consider creating great visuals with catchy lines, that will help your campaign reach the wider audience range possible. Also Read: Facebook Ad Biddings: Everything …
If you are considering about advertising on social media, then you should also consider creating great visuals with catchy lines, that will help your campaign reach the wider audience range possible. Also Read: Facebook Ad Biddings: Everything …
Social media is truly the golden media-marketing tool of the age. It has done to the advertising and marketing industries what television advertising did to the radio ad. The over 10 billion connected devices around the …
Remember that ugly looking monstrosity LinkedIn called its sharing button? Yes, the one whose height or width or functionality didn't match the rest of the buttons. The one that went unnoticed. The one NOBODY clicked. …
Another day, another Twitter test. This time Twitter has been reported to be experimenting a way to show tweets to users from accounts that they don't follow, but that their friends follow. Also Read: The Day Twitter …
In its second-quarter earnings report, Facebook revealed that it now has 399 million mobile-only monthly active users. This number is already huge, now think that this means that almost 1 out of 3 Facebook users …
The guys over at LinkedIn Profile Writer put together an infographic regrouping the top facts and stats about LinkedIn, from its launch in May 2003 to this day.
Many companies find it difficult to understand that they can generate income through Social Media; many among them - if not most of them - still perceive social media as "necessary evil" and, while they …
Your LinkedIn profile is your chance to show off your professional background and skills. It is the place where you can attract potential employers, partners, clients or suppliers and convince them to get in touch …
Giving your visitors the ability to share your content on their social profiles is maybe the most important aspect of your online marketing strategy. That ability comes with the addition of sharing capabilities that result from buttons …
Time management is challenging many Community Managers, especially when they are working for several clients on various social media. Many tools have been created to support the presence on social networks. But yet no one …
Which is your favorite romantic movie? Mine is The Bridges of Madison County because of this dialogue: Francesca asks Robert “You really don't need anyone?” and he answers “l think l need everyone.” And you …
If you are interested in psychology then you may know the theory behind the Big Five personality traits that are used to describe human personality. These factors are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism and are consisted even …
The new Facebook Page design is here and after reviewing the changes that affected our Pages, it’s time to take care of anything that might harm their look. Also Read: What is the Value of A …
There is no doubt many of you know LinkedIn offers premium memberships. There is also little chance most of you actually registered for one. Why? Because up to now, there was little advantage of doing so, …
Social Media have become a great way to find and choose a restaurant. You can get information such as location, working hours and reviews from friends. Facebook acknowledges it can be a great platform to help …
They are very popular on the Internet, maybe even more on Social Media. Yes, cats and dogs have become real superstars online. Some even became huge celebrities on the web. I am sure you have …
We often talk about the "right" image size for Facebook, but we almost always forget to mention that 99% of Facebook user impression now occur on the NewsFeed. Nevertheless, web designers and community managers insist …
If you are looking to get higher engagement rate for your brand on social media, it might be time you seriously consider doing more on YouTube. Also Read: 10 Myths About YouTubers and How They Can …