The world isn't in a very nice place these days. Politics, wars, and even the economy isn't very "glamourous." But then comes a magnificent website, that puts words of Love in the mouth of Trump. Since Mr Trump was elected …
The world isn't in a very nice place these days. Politics, wars, and even the economy isn't very "glamourous." But then comes a magnificent website, that puts words of Love in the mouth of Trump. Since Mr Trump was elected …
The second most tiring thing after applying for a job, is having to answer the repetitive, canned questions of recruiters. I know what you'll say; it's part of the drill, but why don't we change …
Wanna find out how to get over 100k followers on Instagram in fewer than 80 posts and under 10 weeks? Well, it turns out that it's surprisingly easy. Just set up a parody account with …
With so many emoji out there, it can be hard to remember which to use in what situation, and also how to distinguish between different ones, by knowing them by name. Botmoji is a Twitter …
The Internet is enormous and not only that, it grows at an amazing speed. Social Media platforms, and more generally the web 2.0, have brought another level into Internet usage around the globe and this …
It could also be the most WTF chatbot as well... depends how you look at it. In my humble opinion it's an interesting depiction of modern society. But philosophy aside, you should all check the …
Sometimes when you look at social campaigns, you can't help but think "What were they thinking?!" Examples of poorly-timed, ill-suited or unwitty campaigns regularly make headlines, and whilst one would imagine the most popular brands on …
The sun is finally out in Britain, people! I have personally been like a lizard trying to catch as much Vitamin D as possible by getting a seat on the sunny side of the train, …
Instagram debuted a massive design change and people's reactions varied from overly happy to... going-nuts-because-it's-ruining-the-colour-coordinated-phone-screen. We can't blame them; Instagram has introduced the biggest brand change to date - bigger than when it was acquired by Facebook. Regardless of …
We are amazed every day by so many images on Instagram. Sure, there are some really really good photos on the photo-sharing platform, but what we don't realise is that they are often a result of …
One minute, 60 seconds... it doesn't seem like much. But in terms of "big data" one minute is a very long time, as we consume more and more online content every day. This infographic designed by Excelacom, shows just …
You don't have to think about it as an embarrassing situation. According to researchers, your drunk tweets could help scientists determine the ways in which people drink and socialise, and also help them avoid dangerous situations. A researcher …
It’s here! No work Friday so you can have your mash and eat it whenever you like. Mash rules are meant to be broken on a free Friday, so take your time... smell the flowers... …
Holy, moly, macaroni - it’s been a busy week! When’s that bank holiday already? Hurry up with that chocolate, easter bunny. But enough of this wishing it was next week, let’s enjoy Friday, and bask in …
Can #FoodPorn make your food tastier? That's a good question, and it looks like it's actually a possibility. A new study conducted at the University of San Diego and Saint Joseph’s University, reveals that Instagram can actually make …
Give yourselves a big ol’ pat on the back, you’ve managed to navigate the murky waters of weekdays and have now entered the clear blue waters of weekend Bay. In a few hours, you’ll be …
Last week, Facebook Reactions rolled out globally. Some of us loved them immediately, others are still, well, not so sure. [Tweet "Facebook Reactions rolled out globally. Some of us love them, others are still not so …
Good afternoon one and all, I hope you are suitably pleased with your #TGIF vibes today. It’s time to run through some pretty damn exciting fun stuff including the Oscars, Leo, Netflix paying out cash …