Clubhouse, the social audio app, has introduced its first monetization feature, allowing users to tip the Clubhouse Creators they like.
Clubhouse, the social audio app, has introduced its first monetization feature, allowing users to tip the Clubhouse Creators they like.
YouTube is updating its policies on Advertiser-friendly content to make more content eligible for full monetization.
YouTube has announced it's testing hiding dislikes on videos in an attempt to stop targeted dislike campaigns against creators.
Microsoft Teams has launched a new AI-powered transcription feature for meetings in English (US).
YouTube is testing a new feature that automatically detects products within videos and displays them in a list with related products.
Welcome to the new edition of our 10 most talked-about TV ads on social media: We almost made it without a Super Bowl ad. Almost...
Facebook confirmed reports it is building an “Instagram for Kids” for users under the minimum age for its flagship app.
Pizza Hut is bringing the thrill of arcade gaming to its pizza box with a playable AR version of Pac-Man on limited-edition boxes.
We all know it: eating chips can make it very difficult to watch a video. But there is a solution: “Lay's Crispy Subtitles.”
Instagram Lite could make its big comeback with new features and slightly larger file size, and support for Reels.
Forget plush toys. Mattel is giving you the opportunity to bring home an extremely rate levitating Baby Yoda figure.
Dispo is a new photo-sharing app that elicits the feelings associated with using a disposable camera. Can it be the new Instagram?
YouTube Sports is a new effort to cater to sports fans with a "refreshed" destination on its platform:
Chrome is giving users more privacy and fewer distractions, by muting web notifications while screen sharing.
TikTok is rolling out a new warning banner on videos that contain unverified information, to discourage users from sharing them.
Adobe Acrobat web users can now do a lot more with PDFs in their browser, without ever needing a desktop app.
Youtube is rolling out dedicated landing pages for hashtags to all users worldwide, giving us a new way to sort and discover videos.
Chrome 88, the latest update to your favorite RAM-hungry browser, has a new feature that helps you change all those weak passwords you use.