Yes, there is a third inbox within your Facebook Messenger and you might be missing some important messages! Since Facebook opened up Messenger to non-Facebook contacts, we have slowly gotten used to our "Other" inbox on …
Yes, there is a third inbox within your Facebook Messenger and you might be missing some important messages! Since Facebook opened up Messenger to non-Facebook contacts, we have slowly gotten used to our "Other" inbox on …
"Face swap" lenses... they've made it off Snapchat. Ever heard of MSQRD? It's got nothing to do with Snapchat and it's currently one of the world's hottest app. Short for "Masquerade", it allows you to customise and …
Facebook has turned 12... Quite unbelievable, isn't it? It feels like yesterday when we signed up for it and it has evolved from being an online place to connect with friends, to being the ultimate platform for pretty …
Are Uber's days numbered? It could be so, as Facebook - the "mother of all social networks", is reportedly designing a ride-share platform. Also Read: Facebook Is Ready To Rollout Reactions To All Users As Tech Insider reveals, Facebook has already …
If this title doesn't make any sense to you, don't worry. I will explain. If you're an iPhone 6s user, Facebook will be soon reinforcing its 3D touch-controls on its Facebook app, giving you many more fun …
Sports and social media mix perfectly. From live match results, to analyses and reactions to games, it's all on social media. And since Facebook sees itself as the "world's largest stadium", it is doing its …
Ever since Facebook Messenger became a platform it's been full of surprises. Among other things, you can now order an Uber car directly from Messenger, and integrate the platform with your website - for customer service …
How do you feel about your Facebook News Feed lately? It's getting seriously busy, right? So busy, that it's hard to follow what your friends are up to. Facebook is constantly working on its algorithm to try …
First, it was a testing phase through its Mentions app. Then it started becoming available to some US users accounts. And now Facebook has finally given access to verified pages to use its live video broadcasting feature …
It's been some time not that Facebook has been moving some of its biggest features into standalone apps. First came Messenger, and many others followed. Moments, Facebook's version of Google Photos is the next standalone …
Facebook knows that businesses are at the heart of its platform. Businesses invest in ads and hence, keep the blue machine going. So it makes perfect sense for Facebook to take good care of those businesses, …
Remember Rooms (a topic based discussions app), Slingshot (the ephemeral messaging app) or Riff (the collaborative video platform)? Maybe, maybe not. They are all standalone apps that Facebook launched over the past couple of years. …
Yes, we know. Of all social networks, Facebook is the uncontested leader on almost every front - be it advertising, data collection or speed of innovation. Also Read: How Much Are Social Networks Really Worth? On November …
Facebook recently announced its Q3 2015 earning report and with it a change to the way that it would be redefining MAUs - Monthly Active Users - and the way in which they are counted. Also …
Only last week Facebook introduced a new way to get updates around major sports (and other) events, through its Messenger platform. For those that haven't caught up with the news yet, Facebook is also silently …
It's no secret that Facebook has its eyes firmly set on e-commerce. Recent moves like adding shopping and services sections to pages for example, are obvious signs. But now, Facebook seems to be looking at different …
Want to contact someone, but don't have their number? No problem, if you know what their name is. Provided they are a Facebook user, you will be able to get in contact with them through …
Facebook Shows You In Real Time When A Friend Is Writing A Comment
Facebook is working hard to bring even more interactivity to its platform. Last week, it had already announced that Facebook Live (its live video streaming feature) will soon be available to all users. And now …