What Are Facebook Dynamic Product Ads And Why You Should Use Them

It’s all fine and dandy if you are advertising a few products or services, or promoting a few posts on Facebook. But what about when you want to advertise your entire product catalog across devices to the right audience – dynamically? Well, this is where Facebook’s dynamic product ads come into play.

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With Facebook dynamic product adverts, you can promote relevant products to people who browse products on your website or mobile app. The first step is to start by creating a campaign through Facebook’s Power Editor with the Product Catalog Sales objective. Then, you will need to create your product catalog if you haven’t already done so. In order to create one, you can find more information here.

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A product catalog is a list of your products in a spreadsheet, with specific attributes that Facebook uses to create an ad – a product ID, product name and description, product landing page URL, product image URL, each product’s availability etc. The product catalog saves you from having to create each ad separately.

One prerequisite for uploading a product catalog however, is having set up a Facebook Business Manager.


The second step, is setting up a tracking pixel, changing it slightly, so that it will report when specific products from your catalog are viewed, placed in the basket, or purchased. You can also set up your tracking pixel to report on app events in your mobile app. If you are familiar with setting up Custom Audience pixels or creating Website Custom Audiences, this shouldn’t be too much of a hassle.

Checking that your pixel is tracking the right actions is in this respect, paramount. You can use Facebook’s Pixel Helper for that.


The third step, is creating a dynamic products ad template. This template will draw the information from your product catalog and fill up automatically with the right images, product names and descriptions, price, etc. If you’re using Carousel Ads your dynamic product ad template will draw multiple products to advertise.

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Finally, you start running your dynamic product ads and depending on each person who has visited your website and browsed your products  will now start seeing relevant ads to them. And guess what… dynamic product ads are also very intuitive. If someone buys a product from your site, he/she will never see an ad for that product again!


Dynamic product ads work on the News Feed and on the desktop Right Column, and can be served on all devices. Just go into your Power Editor and start testing.
