Instagram Ads Are Now Clickable!

Finally! Images are finally becoming clickable on Instagram. Well, not all of them, just ads for now. But this is awesome news, especially for brands looking to invest on the platform.

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This new type of ads are clickable and can send users to any website of the brand’s choice. This is a major improvement as nothing was clickable on Instagram until now.

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But these new ads are much more than just clickable. Carousel ads are a new way for brands to share more images with people interested in their posts. With these ads, brands can now upload up to 4 images in a “carousel” which user can navigate by swiping right on the images.

The possibilities are endless, as Instagram explains:

[quote]One way to look at it is carousel ads bring the potential of multi-page print campaigns to mobile phones – with the added benefit of taking people to a website to learn more. For instance, a fashion company could use the carousel to deconstruct the individual products in a ‘look.’ A car company might share an array of different features of a vehicle and provide a link to learn more about the new model. Or, an advertiser could showcase how multiple ingredients come together to make a delicious meal.[/quote]

Instagram is introducing this new format on a limited basis to selected advertising partners. Over the coming weeks, you may start to see carousel ads in your timeline, also depending on where you are.

And of course, if carousel ads were to become popular, we might soon see a similar feature coming to user accounts too, who knows?

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