[Infographic] Pinterest Shows Huge Growth in Q4 2013

Pinterest is the undenied buzz in the world of social networks in 2013 and, probably, 2014. We all knew this, however, ShareThis now reveals the stats as well in their infographic. Some stand out points include:

Also Read: How to Manage Your Pinterest in 10 Minutes

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  • Pinterest is the leader of the board with 58% user growth, followed by Facebook
  • Pinterest is now the 3rd most popular means of sharing contest, having surpassed email.
  • Midwestern users prefer Pinterest to other social networks
  • Compared to Q3 2013, users clicked and shared more on Pinterest on Q4 2013. This could mean that the network has still ample space to grow its user base



What do you think? Will Pinterest surpass Facebook and/or Twitter? Share your thoughts in the comments section!

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