Twitter Makes It Harder To Switch To Reverse-Chronological Feed

Twitter has made it harder to switch between the Latest and Home feeds in the app, with the algorithm-based feed becoming the default layout.

According to a recent report on The Verge, it’s becoming harder for users to select and use the reverse-chronological feed, as the “Latest” timeline cannot be established as a default option. In addition, the report highlights the impracticality of manually selecting the preferred feed posts order each time users re-enter the app.

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The default setup for the app’s feed is the algorithmically tailored “Home” post layout for each user. To change one’s preference and select the “Latest” layout serving posts in reverse chronological order, users need to switch between tabs using the sparkle icon in the top right corner of the app.


An option to pin posts according to the Latest timeline can be selected and maintained only while using the app or switching between apps. However, when the Twitter app is force-closed and opened again, the Home feed becomes the preferred setup.

A Twitter spokesperson, Shaokyi Amdo, confirmed that it is currently not possible to pin the Latest timeline as the default preference.

Twitter introduced the ability to swipe between Home and Latest timelines last month, and the feature is so far available only on iOS, with Android and Web coming “soon.” The company began testing the feature in October.

The platform first introduced the algorithmic timeline in 2016. It was not until 2018 that Twitter also added the ability for users to switch between the algorithmic and reverse chronological feeds with the sparkle icon amid user frustration.

Meanwhile, earlier this year, Instagram started testing the ability to bring back a chronological feed, dubbed Following – a month after Mosseri promised its return.
