The Top 5 Social Media News Of This Week

When people think of social media, they often either think of “content” or “conversation.” The truth is, however, than the two can not be dissociated. Good content generates conversation. And good conversation will help create new content.

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Social media has popularised content. Nowadays everyone can create and share ideas, images, videos even. Blogging has become a common activity. And while that is good thing, it also makes it harder to get the message across, as it competes every day with hundred of thousands of other blog posts and social media updates. New apps help you do that, ZCast, for example is a great new app that brings interactivity and conversation into podcasting. But more than everything, it is the way you write, the way you structure your thoughts, that will make the difference: you need to make your readers want to read you, and for that, we have created the H.O.P.E.S model, check it out.

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So are you ready for this week’s Top 5 trending news on We are Social Media?

wersm-facebook-cta-button-insights-analytics-tracking Facebook Will Now Show You If Your CTA Is Working – Here’s a question to Facebook Page admins: Remember the CTA Button that Facebook was urging you to add on your Page? If not, now is your chance to go to the Pages you manage and set it up. Why? Because Facebook announced it will now start tracking whether people are clicking on it.
meet-sombrero-your-personal-social-media-marketing-trainer Meet Sombrero, Your Personal Social Media Marketing Trainer – Small businesses benefit a lot from social media marketing, provided they do it right. All too often though, have we seen small businesses try it, only to give up on it very quickly. Some don’t see the immediate benefits they were hoping for, others find it too difficult to manage.
wersm-facebook-introduces-sports-stadium Facebook Introduces Sports Stadium Feature For Fans -Sports and social media mix perfectly. From live match results, to analyses and reactions to games, it’s all on social media. And since Facebook sees itself as the “world’s largest stadium”, it is doing its best to encourage the conversation among its 650 million sports fans. Say hello to Facebook Sports Stadium.
wersm-new-periscope-like-app-zcast-makes-podcasting-interactive-img New Periscope-Like App ZCast Makes Podcasting Interactive Until now, podcasting was a very one-way medium. Producers recorded the tape, uploaded it, and hoped that listeners would be drawn in. ZCast is changing all this, by duplicating the recipe that is making Twitter’s Periscope such a success. Podcasting is about to get better. Much better.
wersm-boring-writing-HOPES-model How To Never Write A Dull Blog Post Again – I blog a lot. And I mean, A LOT! These years of writing blog posts have convinced me that structure, is what is most important. Wait, before you say “Headlines are what’s most important!”. Keep reading, because I won’t totally disagree with you: headlines are very important, but they’re only part of what makes a great blog post.

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Don’t Miss: Fun Pop Mashup of the Week #61

Have a great Sunday and week ahead!
