Instagram Tests Reminders For Product Launches On Instagram Shopping

In an effort to strengthen its e-Commerce offerings, Instagram is testing reminders for product launches on Shopping.

One of the reasons that people follow brands on Instagram is to keep up to date with things and discover new products – and ideally before anyone else. To help brands keep people in the loop, and make it easier for people to shop, Instagram is testing a new feature that lets them set reminders for product launches on Instagram Shopping.

The new feature reminds people of upcoming product launches so they can buy the products as soon as they become available. And what’s more, they can do so right there on Instagram.


Product launch reminders come in two forms: Stickers that can be added to Stories, or product launch tags on feed posts, and are ideal for very limited editions and collaborations. Brands widely adopt these strategies in the fashion, beauty, and luxury, space.

The feature is not open to all brands. Only those in Instagram’s closed checkout beta will be able to it for the time being, and only in the U.S.

The brands are:

Adidas @adidasoriginals
Anastasia Beverly Hills @anastasiabeverlyhills
Balmain @balmain
Benefit @benefitcosmetics
Chinatown Market @chinatownmarket
Fresh Prince @freshprince
H&M @hm
Highsnobiety @highsnobiety
Huda Beauty @hudabeautyshop
JE11 @je11shop
Levi’s @levis
MAC @maccosmetics
Michael Kors @michaelkors
Mr. Porter @mrporter
NARS @narsissist
Net-A-Porter @netaporter
NYX @nyxcosmetics
Outdoor Voices @outdoorvoices
Revolve @revolve
Soul Cycle @soulcycle
Warby Parker @warbyparker

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