Instagram Brings Branded Content Tags To IGTV

Instagram’s Branded Content Tag will now also be available to use for longer form branded content on IGTV.

Not all users have access to Instagram’s Branded Content Tag, but Instagram is now giving users with Business or Creator accounts the ability to apply to gain access to the feature on IGTV. When using the feature, tagged IGTV content will display the ‘paid partnership with’ label and the partner’s name.

The feature was announced last week, but is not expected to bring any huge changes as IGTV isn’t yet a major destination for video consumption – despite Instagram’s attempts to make it so. According to reports, viewership on the platform is growing, but obviously not fast enough.


IGTV branded content tags
Matt Navarra / Twitter

The ability to label branded content in IGTV may not open up more possibilities for creators to work with sponsors, but it will certainly help Instagram control paid-for content on IGTV.

To access the branded content tag on IGTV, you must visit the “Advanced Settings” option in the menu below Title & Description, and tap on the “Tag Business Partner” option to search for the business to be added. To tag the business, you must make sure your account is an “Approved Account” in their Branded Content Settings.

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