[Infographic] Become a Pinterest Warrior

Pinterest has become a valuable tool in the arsenal of every digital marketer. Being one of the few social networks that actually have a niche, Pinterest is all about buyable items and high conversions.

Also Read: Pinterest Creates ‘Pin Picks’ Collection

Moreover, content lifespan is the largest among all other social networks, making Pinterest even more attractive for both users and brands. The pros don’t end here. The infographic below, found at Social Media London will show all the stats you need to know and all the tips you need to master in order to succeed in the most interesting social network now.

Key Points To Take Away

  • – Pinterest has 70 million users, which account for 30 billion (!) pins.
  • – Users tend to share more on mobile than on desktop. In fact the amount of pinners who share while on mobile are three times higher than those who share from desktop.
  • – An average user spends 14.2 minutes on Pinterest per visit.
  • – The successful Pinterest account has at least 10 pins on each board, and is optimised keyword-wise. In addition, making your brand site Pinterest-friendly, will help you build a solid presence.
  • – Aim for 20-25 images per day – attention should be given to timing, though.

Read more interesting stats and tips below:


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