To make your social media presence a success, you really need to know your audience. This is self-explanatory really, but as each social platform has its own core audience, knowing this will help you decide which to use for your social presence. The guys at Sprout Social have created an extremely handy infographic that details the demographics on each of the major social networks, for your reference.
Also Read: Men Are Now The Fastest Growing Demographic on Pinterest
So, let’s look at the data and I will give you a short explanation below…
Despite what you might think, the main user-base of Facebook is still under 30 years old, with US users mainly living in suburban areas but with other locations close behind – i.e. urban, and rural areas. Most Facebook users tend to be on the less than $30k income level but also on the $50k – $74.9k and over $75k income levels. Facebook is mostly made up of people educated at college level. Also, the network is very popular with women, as are most social platforms for that matter.
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On Twitter, the gender gap is a lot less pronounced as there are almost as many men and women using Twitter. However the age gap is pretty big. 18-29 is still the top demographic and by a long way. So, if you’re looking to reach a younger audience, Twitter might help you do so. Most Twitter accounts are outside the US but in the US itself, users tend to live in urban areas and suburban areas mainly. Twitter is also made up mainly of college graduates. Compared to Facebook, more users on Twitter make more than $75k or $50k – $74.9k.
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Instagram has a huge core audience of 18-29 year olds and a higher percentage of them are female versus male. As in Twitter‘s example, most instagram users live in urban areas, and fewer in rural areas. Instagram users generally have some college experience, but they are not the demographic of Facebook or Twitter who are mainly college grads. With regards to Instagram users’ buying power, more users make less than $30k – in second place are users that make $50k – $74,9k and those who make over $75k. Similar to other networks.
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LinkedIn is a special one… Most users are older adults above the age of 30 and an overwhelming percentage of them are college graduates and guess what… They mostly make over $75k a year. The percentage of online men versus online women who use LinkedIn is very close however. Also, regional membership of LinkedIn is concentrated mainly in the US, with 111 million of its users there. LinkedIn members are also “urbanites” – most of them live in urban areas!
Have a look at the infographic below for a better visualisation of the the above and other networks like Pinterest, Google+, or Snapchat!