YouTube had to react. Over the past months, the leading online video platform watched Periscope, Facebook and, more recently Instagram, became mobile live broadcasting powerhouses.
YouTube‘s mobile live streaming has been under test for the past 6 months, with only a select number of influential users being able to use it. Notable examples include Lewis of Unbox Therapy, and athlete-turned-YouTuber Ben Brown.
Today, YouTube has finally introduced mobile live broadcasting from mobile devices, in 20 countries across the world. But there is a catch: the feature will only be available for accounts with over 10k subscribers.
But if you have not yet passed the 10,000 subscribers mark, don’t despair. Product managers Barbara Macdonald and Kurt Wilms wrote in a blog post that the feature should soon be rolled out to everyone.
YouTube Live is built into the YouTube mobile app. It lets you first snap a photo that you can use as a cover pic for your stream, and then you tap another button to start broadcasting. Following the live broadcast, the video will automatically be added to your playlist, and you will be able to set privacy settings like for any other video on your channel.
[box]Read more: Instagram Live Is Now Available Worldwide[/box]