Twitter is a great platform to create the buzz, start conversations, promote your website and generate traffic. It works so good that many forget that humans actually read their tweets and they overdo many things they should never do in the first place, often caused by vanity or a wrong perception of human interactions.
Also Read: How to Effectively Engage with Social Leads on Twitter
Yes, twitter is about human interactions. So that means you should be human when you tweet. Don’t spam, don’t be like a bot, and do not brag too much about yourself….
Yes, other users like when you acknowledge them, yes they love when you retweet them, but do you really think they enjoy it when you keep on retweeting all those that say great things about you? Vanity check: people do not need to know how great others think you are. They want to think you are great because you are, not because other say so!
This slideshare from Gary Vaynerchuk from Waynermedia will tell you wll about the Retweet Abuse, AKA Birdy Bragging is the worse thing you could do to yourself on Twitter:
[slideshare id=29186547&doc=beinghumanontwitterslidesharev3-131213121641-phpapp01]
I hope this will not stop from tweeting this post to your friends, but we won’t RT your tweets :P
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