Twitter Now Sends In-App Notifications Detailing The Progress Of Your Reports

Following #WomenBoycottTwitter, Twitter has been making many changes to its platform and its reporting tools. The latest is a new in-app notification that lets users know the progress of their reports.  

A very important part of reporting something on any social network is the ability to know what action that report resulted in. Was a post taken down because it contravenes certain guidelines? Or is it deemed acceptable? It lets you know how seriously the social network in question takes its reports, and it informs reporting users about what is acceptable and what is not.

Facebook has had this feature for a while. Twitter announced its in-app notification equivalent just last week, ticking the last item off its list of promised changes.

Prompted by the #WomenBoycottTwitter, the company began to update its reporting tools in December. These updates now culminate with the in-app notification that provides more information about the progress of any submitted reports, detailing the results of any report, and listing the specific rules that were broken.

Since it pledged to make changes, Twitter now has stronger rules on revenge porn, sexual harassment, sensitive images or videos, spam, hate speech, and violence.

[box]Read next: Search ‘Tweetstorms’ Are Officially A Twitter Feature[/box]
