The San Francisco Museum of Art makes texting great again. And we’re so here for it.
In just a few days, SFMOMA‘s art-texting service sent everyone with a US mobile network, and a soft spot for art, on a good ol’ texting frenzy. Just when you ran out of things to aid with your upcoming brief procrastination, “Send me SFMOMA” decided to seduce your productivity, and stimulate your creative nerve, by letting you text “Send me” followed by whatever – a keyword, an emoji, a mood, etc, to 572-51.
The lucky US residents receive a matching artwork out of the museum’s impressive 35,000+ art collection, along with its intimate details: name of artist, title and year of creation.
So far, the reaction has been overwhelming, and naturally, the service has gone viral with text screenshots inundating Instagram and the likes. What we find particularly genius – besides the idea in its entirety – is the made-to-measure cultural access SFOMA provides. In other words, art education for your mood.
We have a hunch that the rest of the art institutions will follow suit very soon. Until then, remember kids: Send art, not nudes.
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