This App Transforms Your Touch Bar Into A Tamagotchi

The Tamagotchi Touch Bar is the function we have all been waiting for because caring for a digital pet is definitely the best use for this amazing piece of tech.

There is something about the MacBook Pro Touch Bar. It’s an amazing piece of technology, yet no one really uses it. Maybe worse, many are complaining about it. Until you use it to grow a digital pet, that is.

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Personally, I love the Touch Bar and think it probably is one of the best features of the new MacBook Pro. But if you are not into Photoshop, Keynote, or other visual platforms, I can understand why you don’t see the value of it. So how about we make it fun? Why not start using the Touch Bar to feed, nurture, and grow your own Tamagotchi?


This fun app is the creation of Grace Avery. It still is a work in progress thanks to daily updates, but version 0.5 is already available and ready for download on your MacBook.  The app runs on MacOS 10.14.

Ready to adopt your own Touchbar Pet? You can download it here, or find it on GitHub.


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