Welcome to this week’s top social media stories! TikTok continues to grow up, LinkedIn is about to become THE platform for social media marketing and Pinterest makes beauty searches more inclusive.
We are all so focused on what the big 3 (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,) are doing that we sometimes forget to look at the other platforms. You know, the platforms that are actually still trying to grow up. TikTok, for example, has just started testing ads on its platform. And, as far as I am concerned, this could fast become a threat to Snapchat, but also Instagram Stories.
And what can I say about LinkedIn? The platform has been growing up full-speed over the course of the past few months. LinkedIn is close to becoming THE platform for social media marketing. Don’t laugh. The platform has added so many useful new features recently, upgrading its offering week after week. The latest might even be the best so far: LinkedIn may soon introduce a new “Lookalike Audiences” feature. Yes, that.
Here are the top 5 most talked about stories this week:
- Instagram Will Soon Allow You To Share Direct Links To Entire Stories
- Facebook Plans To Integrate All Its Messaging Platforms
- LinkedIn Is Working On A New ‘Lookalike Audiences’ Feature
- TikTok Is Testing Ads On Its App
- Pinterest Makes Beauty Searches More Inclusive
Tune in next Sunday for a new edition of our weekly social media recap.
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