Jack Dorsey Is Selling His First Tweet As An NFT

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is selling the very first Tweet he sent on Twitter back in 2006. 

NFTs are all the rage these days, and it seems that not a day passes without hearing something related.

Two weeks ago, the Nyan Cat meme was sold off for 300 ETH; just last week, the ‘DEAL WITH IT’ meme graphic was also sold.


Related | DEAL WITH IT Meme Graphic Auctioned Off As An NFT

Now Jack Dorsey – Twitter CEO and crypto-enthusiast – is auctioning off his first Tweet as an NFT, as well.

NFTs, or “non-fungible tokens,” make it easy for the rights to digital artworks to be bought or sold using blockchain. They can pretty much contain any digital file – a GIF, a song, a video game item, etc.

Dorsey’s first Tweet is being sold to the highest bidder on a platform called Valuables, where users can buy or sell Tweets.

It’s hard to believe that it was 15 years ago that Dorsey Tweeted the now-famous “just setting up my twttr” when he co-founded the platform. It’s even harder to believe that you can now buy and sell Tweets.

The highest bid so far? A cool $2.5 million in Ether! Whoever succeeds in purchasing the item will essentially get a digital certificate of the tweet that has been signed and verified by the creator.

So, if Dorsey’s account – or Twitter –  aren’t around in 15 years, you’ll still be the rightful owner of the Tweet.

Image credit: Joi Ito / Flickr
