Exciting news for Twitter advertisers. The social network has released a new ad format that helps users interact with brands with a single click.
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The new ad format, the Conversational Ad unit, as Twitter calls it, is an enhanced promoted tweet. What makes it different though, is that it has a Call-to-Action, which invites users to tweet to the brand using specific hashtags or predefined messages.
Moreover, advertisers can add up to two Call-to-Actions on the Conversational Ad unit, prompting users to tweet out their choice, much like Twitter polls. Imagine the following scenario: Ahead of an important football match, a tv channel wants to generate conversations about the upcoming game and the respective teams.
By setting up a Conversational Ad unit, it can prompt Twitter users to tweet out their support for their team, using the right hashtag. Upon completion of the tweet, the user will receive an acknowledgement from the brand for having engaged with the tweet and the conversation.
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This new format opens a whole new world of exciting implementations for brands and personalities. It can prove to be extremely useful ahead of election campaigns, sports events, or could be used for causes.
Although some may argue that it could lead to a series of pre-formated tweets and loss of spontaneity, we’re convinced that if used in a smart way, this new ad format could work miracles for brands.