Instagram Is Adding View Counts On Video

Just a few days after finally rolling out multiple accounts support, Instagram is now preparing to add on another feature that marketers have sought for a while now: video count.

Also Read: 4 Instagram Marketing Trends You Must Take Advantage Of In 2016

Instagram is definitely into “we are listening to you” mode. It seems that everyday the social photo sharing platform is adding new features that really answer to the needs of its community.

When it comes to video, views are what count. They are the most widely expected form of feedback and the KPI most brand managers are interested to report on. This is why Instagram has decided to start showing how many times people have watched a video on the platform.


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The view counter will appear underneath videos, in lieu of where you would normally see likes. SO what about likes then? Well, you will be able to see how many likes your video got, by first tapping onto “views.” Sounds a bit complicated, and I’m not entirely sure why Instagram did not just add the view counter next to the likes… some platform restriction I guess.


If you like our stories, there is an easy way to stay updated:

It’s a wise move from Instagram. Video was introduced 2 years ago and the recent addition of apps like Hyperlapse and Boomerang have made video a very important part of the Instagram experience. It feels only natural that the platform will now show us how many views our creations get. Now the question is how they will measure “a view,” since videos are looping on the platform.

And more news should be coming our way soon as Instagram explained in a blogpost that “Adding view counts is the first of many ways you’ll see video on Instagram get better this year.”

Exciting times!
