Holiday Marketing And How To Sell More Stuff [Infographic]

Christmas is just around the corner, and it’s the time of year that businesses really have a chance to increase their sales before the end of the year. If they really want to do well, they need to know about the major trends that might make a difference to how successful they are at selling their wares.

Also Read: 10 Reasons Why John Lewis Dominates Christmas on Social Media

This infographic from The Shelf, gives us a look at the prevalent trends during this time of the year, to hopefully help marketers think about things better and make the right decisions that will lead them to success.

1. Christmas Shopping Starts Early

42% of men and 38% of women do their Christmas shopping during November, whereas 19% of men do theirs as early as October or in the first two weeks of December. 48% of shoppers said that they will have done most of their shopping on or before Cyber Monday. 52.9% said that they will have completed their Christmas shopping by December 10th.


2. Digital Influence Is A Huge Driver Of Sales

78% of consumers did their shopping research online whereas 80% interact with a brand online before buying something. Also, 53% of those who bought stuff online last year, used a smartphone or a tablet. 64% of all buying this year is as a result of digital.

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3. Influencer Marketing Reaps Big Results

Every $1 spent on online influencers is worth $6.85 in returns. In certain verticals, this return is even more pronounced – food and drinks for example, reap an $11.33 return, retail and apparel reaps a $10.48 return on every dollar, whereas travel reaps $7.04! Also, 92% of consumers trust online reviews more than brand content, whereas 90% feel it’s more important to read a review than to get a sales person’s opinion. Finally, 67% found a gift to buy on social media whereas 65% have used social media to find a gift.

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4. Every Channel Influences Differently

Instagram demonstrates the importance of user-generated content in increasing the likelihood of purchase with 6.4 times more likely to influence a purchase in retail. Shopping related videos on YouTube are becoming a very big part of the holiday gift research process. From unboxing videos, to product reviews, video is becoming a lot more influential in the buying process. Pinterest is the top source of inspiration for holiday gifts with 47.4% of influence. Facebook is second, with 32.4%.

Have a closer look at the infographic for further information.

