Clubhouse Enables Clips On iOS And Introduces New Link-Sharing Option

Clubhouse is expanding its Clips to all iOS users and introducing a new link option to share conversations to other platforms.

Clubhouse has announced the expansion of its recently-launched Clips feature to all iOS users and the addition of a new sharing feature that allows users to share links to rooms outside the live audio app.

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In case you missed it, Clips is a new feature launched in beta recently that allows users to share 30-second long audio clips from public rooms. When users tap on the new scissors icon, Clubhouse makes the last 30 seconds of an audio chat available to share outside the platform.


The beta test started around two weeks ago, and Clips is now available for all iOS users but is not yet supported on Android devices.

In an effort to bring more users from other platforms, Clubhouse is also adding QR codes on shared Clips, which link users on different platforms back to live rooms as they broadcast live.

The new option will significantly help to overcome discovery challenges. With 700,000 rooms being broadcast each day, providing a way to notify potential listeners with a direct link can prove quite practical – especially among users who share a common interest.

Furthermore, Clubhouse is also introducing a new link-sharing option that provides direct access to private rooms – providing a direct connection back to Clubhouse chats. The announcement for the feature reads that “Many people have told the team it would be great if you could just grab a private Clubhouse room link and drop it in a calendar invite akin to a phone call or video chat. Now you can — with Clubhouse Links. Users can share this private link out with friends, family, or just about anyone you might want to chat with on a regular basis.”

When tapping on “Share a Room Link,” users can direct their followers and friends outside the app back to the live chats of interest.

Links can also be used again to regather a group around a topic of conversation. To grab a Clubhouse Link, the user can tap on the “+ Room” option in the hallway, then “Gather a room using a link.”

The unique generated link is then copied to the user’s clipboard, and can be pasted on a message to a person or a group, dropped in a calendar invite, or added to an event listing anywhere. Only people who have the link will be able to join the private room, and the host will receive a notification each time an invitee joins the room.

Featured image: Clubhouse
