Burger King is known for taking on its competitors directly, in its advertising campaigns. But its latest Twitter campaign for the new BK spicy chicken nuggets, takes this habit to another level.
It all begins with Wendy’s announcement that it’s taking spicy chicken nuggets off the menu – much to the chargrin of the tasty food item’s hardcore fans. The move has annoyed Wendy’s customers so much, that some have even decided to start a Change.org petition calling for the company to reconsider. But that’s not all. The petition is only a bonus to a spate of bitter complaints on social media, which, Burger King has decided to take full advantage of.
In its latest campaign for its own spicy chicken nuggets, Burger King is digging up Wendy’s complaints, and turning them into promoted Tweets. Naturally, there is plenty of good material out there, and BK is going all-out on this one. Can’t get get your hands on your favourite Wendy’s spicy chicken nuggets? BK’s got you covered!
Check out some of the good ones… BTW, Matthew seems a little confused…
Does @BurgerKing not know how promoted tweets work? pic.twitter.com/eOiNLts10v
— Matthew (@likeholywine) October 11, 2017
Burger King throwing shade via promoted tweets. pic.twitter.com/5HJOQlGF0f
— steve carter (@stvcrtr) October 11, 2017
Again, that’s not all. As if the Twitter ads weren’t enough, Burger King restaurants in Miami, Los Angeles, and New York City, are now offering free nuggets to anyone named Wendy.
Now, there is a treasure trove of aggressive (and not so aggressive) campaigns launched by Burger King in the last years, so we’re hardly surprised – but this one is really particularly underhand.
But hey, it’s a dog-eat-dog world we live in, right?
[box]Read next: Burger King Argentina Slays Competition On Snapchat[/box]