YouTube Now Lets Creators Reuse Details From Previous Uploads

In the latest episode of Creator Insider, YouTube has announced that it is adding the option for creators to reuse details from previous video uploads.

Last week, YouTube added a new option in YouTube Studio,  allowing creators to reuse the same details they introduced on previous video uploads.

When going through the upload process on desktop, creators will be offered the possibility to reuse either a video title or description used before, or the video language settings used previously, as well as shorts sampling permission and category selections.


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The newly introduced option will save creators time when uploading consistent content on the platform, allowing them to scale their output production.

Although it can be pretty obvious that reusing the same language settings can be handy for most, it will be unlikely that users will need to replicate the same title and description on subsequent videos. Nonetheless, having previous texts brought up automatically will make it easier to quickly edit the metadata and publish the new, similar content.

To use the new option, users can visit the ‘Details’ section of the upload flow, where they will be presented with the new ‘Reuse Details’ option above the title field.

YouTube already offered a similar feature, through which users can access an upload defaults option to replicate the same settings in each of their video uploads.

However, the new option allows users to have more control and the chance to personalize different settings on each video and customize selections with each upload.
