New updates for creators! A dedicated payments account within AdSense and warnings on potentially offensive text detected by AI.
In its last edition of Creator Insider introduced a few changes coming to YouTube. On the one hand, its payment system is getting a well-deserved update – on the other, YouTube is making warnings on potentially offensive comments available on desktop.
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Warnings for potentially offensive comments have been available in the mobile app since 2020. They are automatically displayed when YouTube’s AI systems detect potentially offensive text.
They then show a warning sign inviting the user to reconsider their response before posting and check out the platform’s community guidelines.
With the announcement, YouTube is making creators aware that this same system will also apply to web responses. For now, YouTube is beginning to roll out the alerts in English and Spanish only – but more languages will soon follow.
The expansion of the alert system to desktop further encourages respectful on-platform behavior and protects both creators and viewers from seeing potentially offensive comments.
YouTube has also announced an update to its payments system. According to the Creator Insider video, creators’ earnings will now be divided into a new and separate AdSense category dedicated exclusively to earnings coming from YouTube.
So far, YouTube and AdSense earnings have been disbursed into one single payment account when the creator’s earning balance reaches $100. However, starting this month and rolling out over the next couple of months, YouTube earnings will be paid into a separate payments account.
The update will not impact creators who only use AdSense for YouTube earnings. The YouTube payments account will now appear on a dedicated YouTube homepage within AdSense, available within the dropdown on the AdSense payments page.