You Will Love The New Colour Picker On Instagram Stories

Instagram is adding two visual tools that will help you make the most of the medium and share even more creative Stories: alignment and colour picker.

Whether you’re feeling creative, or you’re just more of a perfectionist, these two new features from Instagram are made for you.

First, Instagram is adding an alignment tool to Stories. And that is a massive relief. How often have you tried to align text and stickers and have ended up frustrated? Yes, that often. Well, now guiding blue lines will appear automatically when you are moving objects around on your screen. They also appear along the edges of the screen, showing you where text or stickers might get covered up, or be out of bounds when someone watches your Story.  And even more importantly, the tool will help you straighten out text to stickers that you rotated, when you want to bring them back to their original alignment.



The second new tool is definitely my favorite. Instagram has added a new colour picker that lets you match the colour you draw, or type with any hue in your image – much like the colour picker tool you find on Photoshop.

To use the colour picker, select the draw or type tool and head over to the bottom of your screen where you usually pick the colour you want to use. On the left end of the spectrum, you will find a new eyedropper icon. Select it and move the “drop” to the part of the photo you would like to match the colour to. It simply is fantastic.

Thank you Instagram, you have made my day.

[box]Read next: Instagram Just Added A Polling Feature To Stories[/box]
