You Can Now Follow Up To 5,000 Accounts On Twitter

Feeling in the mood for broadening your Twitter horizons? Well, today may be your lucky day, as the social network announced that it will provide users with the ability to follow many more accounts that they like.

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So far, users with a small number of followers, could only follow up to 2,000 accounts. With the latest changes, users can choose to follow up to 5,000 accounts of their preference. Before that, the only way a user could follow more than 2,000 other accounts was that it had many followers.

What is the reason behind this move? As we all know, massive consecutive following was a clear indicator of spam activity. With Twitter developing more and more robust mechanisms to fend against such actions, it’s possible that it reviewed its policy.


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Moreover, Twitter has been plagued by low (or even nonexistent) user growth recently. By giving newcomers the opportunity to discover content and more new accounts to follow, it raises the possibility of keeping these new users on the platform, for a longer period of time.

Let’s see how this one works out for Twitter in the end.
