Why Medium Is A Content Marketer’s Paradise

You ever hear of Medium? Sure you have! Well, Medium, the blogging platform is really really good for content marketing. Would you have guessed? In this infographic we find out more about it.

Also Read: 6 Ways To Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy

A major part of a content marketing campaign is choosing the right medium. Medium is about the quality and not the quantity of content, and does a very good job at making ideas shine – ideas matter, not authority. As a blogging platform, it is highly customisable, user-friendly, has a very engaged audience, and more importantly – it is free. All this, makes Medium very powerful if used correctly. Blogger Ali Mese received 6.2 million pageviews from over 1 million visitors on the platform. He is also followed by 144,920 people.

So, how does it work exactly? Well, people read and recommend a story and it gets promoted as more and more as people recommend it. Stories are pinned to categories so that they can be discovered more easily. In order to stand out, Yourescapefrom9to5.com suggests that you should do the following:


  • – Include a CTA (Call to Action)
  • – Publish detailed posts and not just a summary
  • – Find publications to feature your content
  • – Use visual content
  • – Incorporate punchy headlines
  • – Provide targeted links in your content

Have you ever used or considered using Medium for your content marketing efforts? If you haven’t, you probably should check it out. If you have, what did you think?

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