Do you want to travel around the world, but you’re short on cash? We get it. However, if you’re living or visiting New York, you might be able to fake your way into the jet setters’ lists.
Delta Airlines, aided by Wieden + Kennedy, debuted a wall in Brooklyn, NY, dedicated to snapping the perfect selfie at the world’s most recongnisable settings. No, it’s not some kind elaborate VR or AR system. It’s literally a wall painted with famous locations around the globe.
Wait, there’s some serious thought behind that concept. Apparently, studies reveal that travelers are more likely to get swiped right on their dating profile, so Delta Airlines is helping you spice up your Tinder / Bumble /Happn presence with an attractive image taken during your imaginary trip. That’s actually smart.
The installation, aptly named #DeltaDatingWall, is situated in Williamsburg and will run until June 17th. So hurry up and, who knows? Your next Tinder swipe could be your lucky one.
Images via AdWeek
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