Tumblr As A Fashion Designer

If you need a second read to digest the article’s title, please feel free to do so, because, as it appears Tumblr is diving into the world of fashion and cloth making. Keep reading for the details.

Also Read: Ask Me Anything… Now On Tumblr!

Of course, Tumblr is known for its avant-garde aesthetics. Moreover, it has proved that it embraces forward-thinking artists that can form collaborations between the former and big brands. So it was no surprise when we found out that it had plans to release a fashion line.

wersm tumblr fashion line


The clothing line debuted during New York Fashion Week, to commemorate the 10 years of its presence to one of the world’s most important fashion events. Tumblr invited 1o artist to help create the designs. All clothes are available on a special pop up store set up for the occasion.

For the rest of us, Tumblr’s new clothing line is available through Print All Over Me.

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