This Website Lets You Tell The World You Are Staying Home

Are you home? Just like millions of people around the world, you are staying home. Share this with others and help spread the word – not the virus.

You, me, everybody. In an unprecedented turn of events, a large part of the world population is currently stuck indoors. Whether you are under lockdown, confinement, or self-isolation, this is one of the first times we are pretty much all going through the same situation.

Across the globe, governments are taking tough decisions, forcing millions of citizens to stay at home as the best response to try and slow down the COVID-19 pandemic. And it works. Social distancing and isolating oneself is the most efficient way to stop the virus from spreading.


It’s hard, and it’s only going to get tougher. You know it and I know it. We are all in this together.

To spread the word, creative agency Re|Direct, from Athens, Greece, has created “Are you home?”, an online platform where you can choose a window, lighten it up and add your flag to claim your spot. We are all in this together, and now we can show it.

Stay home, stay healthy.

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