The 2016 Social Video Forecast

Video is huge on social media. I have said this so often I am actually tired of saying it. Any person, company, or brand on social media today needs to use or at least try video for their social presence. Video is engaging because users on social media watch more video today than ever before. Whether you want to use video to engage, convert, or retain, it’s great for all of that.

To get a better picture of what social video is today and where it’s going in the near future, the company behind Animoto – an online video creation app – brings us insight in infographic-form. Let’s take a closer look.

Key Takeaways:

– 84% of pro marketers and 55% of SMB owners in the U.S. have outsourced video production in the past 12 months


– 60% of pro marketers and SMB owners combined plan to increase their investment in video for the next year

– This is due to the fact that over 76% are getting results with video on their social networks

Facebook Dominates – YouTube Goes Second – Instagram Best On Mobile

This may surprise many, but Facebook is currently the top platform in use by SMB owners and marketers to share and distribute video content. It is currently seen as the most impactful social network – up to 8.4x more than other platforms. It is also the easiest to gauge success – Over 60% of marketers and SMB owners who were asked for the infographic said that Facebook was the easiest.

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Just over 13% identified YouTube as the easiest to gauge overall success. 44% of those asked, plan to invest more in promoting video content on Facebook in the next year. However, YouTube is projected to have the highest growth in paid video content promotion.

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Also, many marketers found that mobile is a big driver for their video content. Instagram came up on top as the strongest social network for mobile video. However it is marketers, and not SMB owners, who believe more in Instagram.

Yet, be prepared to see Instagram and Facebook at the top of the social video ladder at least in the next 12 months!

For more information, have a look at the infographic below


[box]Also Read: Enter related Facebook Is Paying Big Bucks For Live Video Content[/box]
