New Parents Are Facebook’s Mobile Power-Users

You’d think that the mobile power-users of any platform would be the younger ones – today’s teens for example. The digital natives. But if you thought that, you’d be wrong. Because, according to a new study by Facebook IQ, parents are actually the mobile power-users, especially on Facebook. Parenting, more than ever before, is becoming a digital experience.

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According to a study of parents aged 25-65 on Facebook and Instagram in 8 countries, they are the group of users that post more photos, videos, links and status updates. The study, conducted by Facebook IQ with the help of Ipsos MediaCT and Sound Research received feedback from 8,300 parents in Australia, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Spain, the UK, US and Germany found that parents do much more than non-parents, and their “posts receive more interactions”. Facebook IQ explains that,

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[quote]While conventional wisdom holds that people on the receiving end hate “sharenting,” their actions say they actually love or, at least, like it. [/quote]

In fact, new parents post 2.3x more photos, 2.9x more videos and 1.8x more status updates than other users.


New parents don’t only post a lot, but they also get more interaction in their posts. In posts about their babies, parents get 37% more interaction from family members and 47% more from friends. Parents are early-risers on their mobile devices – sometimes going online as early as 4 a.m. – their activity generally peaks at 7 a.m. This is the case for at least 56% of new parents.

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New parents use mobile technology as a way to stay connected to family – 66% of them to be exact. 48% of parents with younger children on the other hand use mobile technology to entertain their children. Overall, 30% of parents with school-aged children feel that mobile technology allows them to be more productive as parents, and 60% of parents with teens feel that mobile technology enables them to be connected to their tech-savvy children.


Facebook IQ finished by giving some further takeaways from the study

[quote]Brands can create bite-sized content and catchy videos on mobile that will appeal to parents, particularly those adjusting to a new schedule. Brands need to understand the evolving role of mobile for parents and cater their messaging to address parents’ needs depending on their child’s age. Parents’ oversharing rallies friends and families and extends the modern “family” beyond the immediate household.[/quote]

Image credit: Facebook IQ
