Nerf Welcomes Its New Chief TikTok Officer

Sophie Jamison, A.K.A. @Nerfers101, is Nerf’s new Chief TikTok Officer after beating out over 1,000 applicants for the position.

She has tallied over 1.8 million followers since debuting her TikTok account last year.

Related | Nerf Will Pay You $10K Per Month To Be Its Chief TikTok Officer

Last month, Nerf started looking for a “trend-obsessed and highly creative Nerf fan” to serve a three-month stint as its Chief TikTok Officer. The bounty was considerable:$10,000 per month, along with perks such as Nerf blasters and other swag.


More than 1,000 applications were received. The best 10 contenders were invited to a half-hour interview with a panel from Hasbro’s global marketing, public relations, and social communications teams, which sought to learn what they loved about TikTok and how they would apply their knowledge and love of Nerf to the position.

And in the end, only one was left. Sophie Jamison,  a junior at the University of Southern Maine in Newport, R.I., has now been introduced to the job. Jamison has only been on TikTok for a little over a year, but with her @Nerfers101 handle, she already counts over 1.8 million followers.

The campaign was also great for Nerf as well. The #NerfApplication hashtag was viewed approximately 84 million times as of earlier this week. And the @nerf TikTok account grew from some 22,000 followers to over 100,000. The channel also tallied over 250,000 likes during the length of the campaign.

TikTok is also involved in the campaign, as Nick Tran, TikTok head of global marketing, will be mentoring Jamison during her time with Nerf:

“We love seeing big brands use our platform to connect with their customers and our creators in interesting and authentic ways, and Nerf’s new chief TikTok Officer is a shining example of that. I’m honored to work with the team at Nerf to mentor and guide their first Nerf CTO, and I hope this move inspires other companies to envision creative ways to engage the broader TikTok community.”

Sophie said that her objective is to be herself, be genuine and experiment with different types of content:

“I will take a grumpy relative who usually doesn’t smile at family gatherings, hand them a blaster and see the inner child come out of them,” Jamison said. “At the end of the day, I feel like we don’t have a lot of fun in our lives.”


THINK BIG, BE YOU, FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS! #Nerf @nerf #hasbroemployee #fyp

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