LinkedIn Sales Navigator Adds New Features And New Homepage Experience

LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator has received a boost with a new homepage experience, easier access to insights and trends, and a new Account Map.

As talent across the globe continues to migrate in what a LinkedIn study calls The Great Reshuffle,” selling right now is a moving target.

According to LinkedIn, 80% of salespeople have delayed or lost a deal because of a job change within an account. To help ease this difficulty, the Sales Navigator is revamping its homepage experience to improve access for sellers to quality data, real-time alerts, and knowledge of buyer trends.


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The new Homepage has been redesigned to help sellers prioritize access to new leads and account insights faster and identify recent trends within critical accounts.

In addition, a new Priority Accounts section keeps important accounts at the forefront, displaying timely data such as changes in employee count and buyer intent. To populate this section of your Sales Navigator homepage, you can “star” accounts from your saved account list.

These will then show up as “Priority Accounts” on your Homepage. Once added, you can track headcount growth, employee count, open opportunities, and Buyer Interest updates and directly access the customer’s Account Map.

To help sellers manage their priority accounts and collaborate with their team to map out the buying committee and identify relationship gaps within accounts, LinkedIn has released a new Account Map Collaboration tool.

With this, sellers can collaborate on Account Maps with their team members on the same Sales Navigator contract. It provides everyone on the team with one central view of the full group of stakeholders they need to engage.

Finally, LinkedIn is enhancing the CRM experience within Sales Navigator and enabling sellers to access tighter CRM integrations in more places across the Sales Navigator. This, in turn, will help sellers streamline their workflow to improve productivity.

