Knorr Empowers You To Skip Past The Food Delivery Fails

Half-assembled burgers, busted burritos, and pizza with no cheese – social media is littered with images of failed food deliveries.

Like many, we sometimes think that fast food delivery is the only way to get easy and delicious food at home. Knorr believes that hungry people deserve better, with easy to make super flavorful recipes they can cook at home.

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#DeliverBetter is the latest campaign developed by creative agency MullenLowe that spotlights the delicious range of easy to make Knorr products. From Knorr rice and pasta sides to Knorr bouillon products that add flavor to any dish, the brand believes you can make food at home that will beat delivered meals 100% of the time.


But the promise of a tasty home cooked meal may not be enough to convince the most die-hard takeout fanatics and delivery lovers. To make it easier to switch, Knorr is kicking off a limited time giveaway for the chance to win a $50 grocery gift card for fans to get the ingredients needed to recreate classic fast-food items at home.

“We’ve all been there: we’ve waited hungrily for a fast-food delivery that misses the mark before it’s even in your hands,” said Gina Kiroff, CMO, Knorr North America. “Knorr believes in turning those moments of disappointment into opportunities for creativity. Whether it’s a burger that’s falling apart or a taco that’s missing key ingredients, we’re showing people how easy it is to recreate these meals at home, without the delivery hassle.”

How to Participate

Starting February 24, people should follow @Knorr on TikTok or Instagram, and comment on one of the Brand’s partners Zach Jelks, LaFontaine Oliver, Kate Norkeliunas, Jackie and Megan Hommes TikTok or Instagram giveaway post and share a fast-food delivery fail story for the chance to win.

Carlos Andrés Rodriguez, ECD, MullenLowe UK said, “As a big fan of fast food, we need to be honest about the fact that home cooking is the answer to level up almost everything, and Knorr is proving it again. People who have experienced fast food fails deserve better… and there’s nothing more satisfying than helping them.”

What’s not to love?



