How To Unsend A Message On Instagram Direct

It has happened to all of us: sending the wrong message to the right person, or sending the right message to the wrong person. Well, did you know you can actually “unsend” messages on Instagram Direct?

You’re upset, cocky, pressed with time, or maybe just incredibly clumsy with your messages. For your information, it happens to the best of us. Who has never sent a message to the wrong person? Or who has never sent a message to someone, and then immediately regretting it? Yes, I thought so.

Don’t panic. The good news is that it is straightforward to “unsend” a message on Instagram Direct. Retracting a message that has been sent, is actually a very straightforward – yet underused – feature on Instagram; mostly because people have no idea it even exists.


To “unsend” a message on Instagram Direct, simply press down on the message in the app. A pop-up menu appears that lets you either “Copy” or “Unsend.” Choosing the later will retract the message from the conversation. It’s like it was never sent. Instagram does warn you, however, that if a user has already seen your message, then it will not erase it from their memory; just from their app.

Yup. What has been seen, cannot be unseen.

Unsend any messages on Instagram Direct, with one tap

Still, this can be a very useful feature, if the recipient has not yet seen your message. Or for when they did see it and would want to use it as proof against you.

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