GIPHY is introducing a ‘Hire Me’ button to make it easier for brands and professionals to hire artists on its platform.
You will need to be verified on the platform to activate the GIPHY Hire Me button on your profile.
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The button, that is only viewable on the web, not on the app, will appear below the profile picture of verified artists showing that they are available for hire. While GIPHY is providing the action button, pricing and financial terms are set directly by artists and clients. GIPHY does not play any role in terms, nor does it take a cut from the artists’ revenue.
Brands and professionals can submit requests via any verified artist’s page by clicking the Hire Me button and inputting the details of their request, budget and timeline. The artists will be alerted by a confirmation email sent to the address associated with their GIPHY account.
GIPHY Arts, the team that supports artists to get hired and promoted on the platform, pays artists for direct commissions, sponsorships, interviews and other services. But that was not enough for the creators and the new Hire Me button comes as a complement:
“However, even with those hundreds of commissions every year, we know that there are countless opportunities outside of Giphy’s immediate arts program that result in paid opportunities for artists. That’s why we’re making it easier than ever on Giphy for brands and professionals to directly hire and work with artists.”
Facebook acquired GIPHY last May, and it became part of the Instagram team.