Get Ready To Choose Your YouTube Handle

YouTube is introducing handles to make it easier for members to find and connect with each other.

Your handle will be unique to your channel and will be how people mention you in comments, community posts, and more.

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YouTube announced it will gradually roll out the ability to choose a unique handle for all channels. The roll-out will pan over the next few weeks and users will receive an email and notification in YouTube Studio when they will be able to choose theirs.


A YouTube handle is a new way for people to find you and connect with you. Unlike channel names, handles are unique to each creator, making it easier for you to establish a distinct presence on YouTube.

YouTube handles will be unique, meaning you will have to get one that is not already taken. But do not panic, if you already have a personalized URL for your channel, it has been reserved as a handle for you. Of course, if you would prefer a different one than the one associated with your channel URL, you will be able to change it.

If you do not have a personalized URL today, you will be able to choose a handle for your channel as soon as it becomes available. If you don’t do so, YouTube will select automatically assign one for your channel, starting November 14, 2022. Again, you will be able to change it within YouTube Studio, but you will have to choose one that is not already taken by another channel.
