Fun Pop Mashup Of The Week #52

Happy Friday, one and all! Here we are celebrating the 1 year anniversary of the Mash!

I started writing the Mashup last November, after approaching WeRSM’s Chief Editor on Twitter and asking him if I could write a weekly roundup of the funniest and kookiest social media events on the internet. To my surprise, he said yes. So here we are, a year and 52 tasty dollops of mash later

Also Read: How To Ditch Your Business During The Holidays

Let’s dig right in!


Party Beards

“Tis the season to be…beardy!” Spangly, glittery and altogether fabulous beardy that is. Now we all know that beards have been the IT thing for a while, so much so, that this year’s Movember was a washout since nobody wanted to part with their hard-grown face topiary.

Bears were getting a tad boring though, and since the party season is (almost) upon us, it was time for the beard game to be taken to dazzling new heights. Enter The Gay Beards of Instagram. Two best friends from Portland, Oregon have decided to shake things up, as they’ve decided “the world needs more love & laughter”.

Here are a few of their most amazing creations (they’re all so much fun, they make me want to grow one myself), a true source of inspiration for anyone sporting a facial bush.

Glitter Beards!! If you are curious how we did these, check out the link in our bio ❤️

A photo posted by The Gay Beards (@thegaybeards) on

“Even If It’s Just In Your Wildest Dreams” @taylorswift #beardsfortaylor A photo posted by The Gay Beards (@thegaybeards) on

A gift for you 🎁

A photo posted by The Gay Beards (@thegaybeards) on

So fresh, pipe clean. A photo posted by The Gay Beards (@thegaybeards) on

Secret Metamorphagus Hair

Wait, what? It’s the name of a Tumblr hair sensation (what is it with hair in today’s mash?!) started by Singaporean, Jaye. Basically, it’s a classic dark-haired bob on top. But when Jaye runs her fingers through her hair, it’s transformed into secret magic rainbow hair.

The post, dated November 6th has amassed over 360,000 notes and Jaye’s been busy answering questions from across the world about how she managed to make such magic happen.

In case you were thinking of rocking something different for the festive season – don’t say I haven’t been providing ideas!


So, I think we’ve all noticed it’s been a little bit chilly lately, especially here in the UK… fear not though because Snapchat has the antidote. A few great accounts for some holiday inspiration are as follows:

1. @AdventurousKate
Kate McCulley of Adventurous Kate is currently in Thailand and her latest post featured a thieving monkey which is after her Oreos.

2. @ExpatEdna
After leaving home at 18, Edna started her journey and is working to pay her way around the world. She’s currently in Paris so if you need to find out whether the city is safe to visit, you should definitely follow her updates.

3. @drewbinsky
Drew has visited over 53 countries in the past three years, and he will teach you anything and everything, from saying “Hello” in Korean to what the perfect hangover cure is.

4. @gettingstamped
Hannah and Adam are a couple from Wisconsin who left the American Midwest and embarked on a quest to get their passports stamped all across the world. They truly are lovely travel companions!

5. @theblondeabroad
Kiersten Rich ditched her career in finance, to travel around the globe. It’s all about delicious food, fabulous fun, and crazy parties – careful though, it will definitely make you want to ditch your 9 to 5 as well!

If you like our stories, there is an easy way to stay updated:

YouTube Top 10 Travel Videos

Google and YouTube have recently released the list of the most viewed travel videos of 2015. Travelling again – ok, this is definitely the hairy travel mash! Four of the videos are from airline companies and three are by hotels.

With almost 88 million views, Air France’s “France is in the air” is the most viewed travel video so far this year – and there’s not long left to pip it to the post! The 45-second video wants viewers to “discover the French way of traveling” and features a cast of teenagers on rope swings, swaying around a larger-than-life aircraft cabin

In at number 8 is the The Marriott Hotels’ video which is all about Paris as well. They even have a dedicated website for the “movie”.

My personal favourite, is this Delta Airlines video which came in at number 4 with just over 9 million views. Yes, it was the cats that swung it for me.

Have a great weekend, and I hope you didn’t get hurt in any #BlackFriday online stampedes!

Featured image credit: The Gay Beards
