Forget Your Phone, These Beers Will Keep You Updated On The #WorldCup

It’s FIFA World Cup time! To keep people away from their phones and be more social, this brewer decide to print tweets onto beer foam, so you can stay updated and still have fun with your friends!

The FIFA World Cup is one of the most popular event in the world. People from all nations gather together around TV screens to share their passion, support their team and drink a few beers. But it’s also the single most tweeted event in the world. A total of 672 million tweets were sent related the last World Cup in 2014.

So how do you keep people off their phone and instead, celebrate this togetherness?


Well, a beer brand from Sweden has found the solution. It will not only keep people off their phone and make them socialize more, it also is an ingenious brand building activation.

Noorlands Guld is launching a world’s first innovation: cold beers will be served with #Worldcup teets printed right onto the foam: introducing “The Social Beer,” because it can only be better to “follow social media live on your beer” instead of your phone.


Together with their agency, Åkestam Holst, the brand built a printer with malt based ink that fetches tweets related to the World Cup, and then prints them on the foam topping the fresh draught beers, almost in real time.

The machine premiered during Sweden’s rehearsal game against Denmark and will be available at a few Swedish bars throughout the World cup.

Guess how many people will tweet just to see their copywriting skills featured on their next round?


Agency: Åkestam Holst
Production: Go! Fight! Fantastic! / Bkry
Photography: Bsmart
Client: Norrlands Guld

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