For The First Time, Facebook Beats Google In Referral Traffic

When it comes to websites it’s all about traffic, right? Especially for publishers, knowing where traffic originates from in terms of referral source, is crucial for growth and content strategy. And this is where it gets really interesting.

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According to a recent report by, for the first time in (several) years, Facebook got to surpass Google in terms of referral traffic for major publishers such as Mashable and Telegraph Media Group. This piece of news bears great importance, as it clearly depicts the shift in online publishing and the power of social media.

More specifically, Facebook has been launching coordinated efforts throughout the year to approach and attract publishers to its platform. Let’s not forget that Facebook’s latest move was to launch Instant Articles to further deepen the integration between news outlets and the social network.


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Will this affect the way we search the web? Maybe Google should take notes.

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