Facebook Gives Its Moments App A Brand New Design

Maybe you still haven’t even used Facebook’s Moments app yet. It’s less than 4 months old right now, so I wouldn’t really expect you to. Nevertheless, Facebook has already given it a brand new redesign and some cool new slideshow themes.

Also Read: Facebook’s Moments App Adds an Awesome Video Feature

Don’t confuse Facebook’s Moments with Twitter’s Moments. They are two completely different things. Here, we’re talking about the former. Facebook’s Moments app helps you share your images with friends in an private an exclusive way. For instance, if you and your friends have attended an event together, you can exchange and sync your images with theirs.

Using features such as facial recognition, moments app organises your photos based on location or on whether you have attended or not. All in all, it’s a pretty useful app, and Facebook has decided to give it a little design overhaul, and some new slideshow themes just in time for Halloween.


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Now, you will find three navigation tabs at the bottom of the screen in your Moments app. Home (Moments), Browse and Notifications.


Tapping the Browse tab shows you all you photos within the app – and essentially the app’s search feature in a scrollable, Newsfeed-like manner.


The new slideshow themes that have been added, are Joyful, Amped, Snazzy, Dramatic and, Spooky (yes, that’s a Halloween-inspired theme), so that you can spice up your images slideshows.


