Facebook Brings Polling To Live And On-Demand Videos, And Gamification For Live

Facebook announced new ways for creators and publishers to create interactive videos, including polling for Live and on-demand videos, and gamification for Live. 

Facebook wants video on its platform to be really special and to stand out, that’s why it’s working hard to make it interactive. At first, it brought Live. Now it wants to turn Live broadcasts into something a lot more “participatory and community-centric,” and not just “passive, one-way broadcasts.” While talk shows historically used studio audiences to create interactivity, Facebook wants the entire audience to participate in the content, as it believes that videos “become more meaningful when people are active participants in the stories.” As viewing habits evolve, Facebook wants to turn video content into a “two-way” thing.

To do so, Facebook is announcing two new tools for creators to use; a new polling feature for Live and on-demand videos, and another that brings gamification to Live. With the tools, Facebook partners can add new interactive features to videos, like polls, quiz questions, challenges, and more. They can all be used within individual videos, or even “to create a standalone game show.” Facebook says it’s giving creators “a blank canvas to allow them to do what they do best — create!”

The new polling feature allows partners to add questions that have a set of answers, to get people’s opinions. Whether it’s asking them to vote for something or getting advice from them, it can easily be done. A new show on Watch called “Help Us Get Married” used the polling feature for the first time as a feature within their series. It allowed viewers to vote to decide how the participating couples would plan their weddings.


Another feature is gamification within Live. Partners create questions with correct answers and viewers are eliminated from the game when they answer incorrectly. With this feature, Facebook will “help a range of formats” to “come to life.” Live trivia shows for example, “where fans compete to see who knows the most about a particular topic or perhaps a direct competition between creators and their superfans on a topic of choice.”

In the next few weeks, some creators will start to use the new features, while new interactive game shows will launch on Facebook Watch. These are:

Confetti by INSIDER: A live interactive daily game show made with INSIDER that will challenge people to answer pop culture trivia questions with their friends. They can see which of their friends are playing and can see how friends answer the questions. Those who answer correctly may be eligible to win a cash prize split between players.

Outside Your Bubble by BuzzFeed News: An game show made with BuzzFeed News that challenges contestants to step outside their “bubble” and reach across the cultural divide to guess what their opponents on the other side are really thinking.

What’s in The Box by Fresno: A live game show made in partnership with Fresno, allowing viewers to win prizes for correctly guessing the contents of a closed box.

[box]Read next: Facebook Launches ‘Level Up’ Program For Emerging Gaming Creators[/box]

Featured image: Rawpixel/Shutterstock
