75 Billion Messages Were Sent On WhatsApp On New Year’s Eve

On New Year’s Eve, many users complained that WhatsApp was down. That’s perhaps because 75 billion messages were exchanged on the platform that night. 

New Year’s eve didn’t only break Facebook Live’s record of the most live broadcasts on one day, with 10 million during the night. It also broke WhatsApp‘s record of the most messages sent in one day. The messaging platform saw 75 billion messages exchanged by users on Dec. 31 despite going down in India and some other parts of the world for a few hours.

As with Facebook Live, WhatsApp broke the record it set during its 2016 New Year’s Eve – 63 billion messages sent. The 75 billion messages (20 billion alone in India) contained 13 billion images and five billion videos.

In July, WhatsApp announced that 55 billion messages (4.5 billion photos and 1 billion videos) are sent every day on average, so the numbers aren’t particularly surprising.

WhatsApp also recently integrated further with Instagram, allowing users to post their Instagram Stories directly to their WhatsApp Status – the platform’s version of Stories.

[box]Read next: Posting Instagram Stories Directly To WhatsApp, Why Not?[/box]

Photo credit: @Lee Massey /LNP
