3 New LinkedIn Features To Help You Tap Into The Power Of Your Employees

LinkedIn announced three new features that were inspired by organizations and their desire to grow their communities, engage them, and hone in on the ‘sense of community’ their consumers are looking for.

In an announcement earlier this week, LinkedIn noted that a sense of community is what drives how your customers feel about your brand and interact with it, how you can recruit and retain talent, and how you can build overall customer loyalty. And research proves it!

The 2017 Edelman’s Global Trust Barometer Report highlighted that 60% of people trust their peers over businesses (52%) and CEOs (37%). Therefore, the need for your organization to provide a more authentic online presence, and build better communities, is very real. The only way to do this is to use the people behind your organization – your own employees.


To help you better tap into the power of your organization’s employees LinkedIn has announced three updates “designed to help your employees share your company’s key updates or highlight their incredible work,” and tools “tools to help you optimize your LinkedIn Page.”

1. Employee Notifications – Let Your Team Do The Talking

Your employees are your most powerful advocates. So, LinkedIn wants to give them the power to celebrate your achievements with you, share your latest updates and more with new Employee Notifications.

This new feature, allows Page Admins to alert employees of important posts that they can share with their LinkedIn network, helping you amplify your messages. To avoid an overwhelming influx of notifications for employees, LinkedIn has also implemented safeguards that limit notifications to one every seven days.

linkedin employee notifications
Image: LinkedIn

2. Kudos & Team Moments – Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

Don’t just use your LinkedIn page to broadcast messages. Engage with your employees and celebrate your organization’s culture, teams, and individuals, with Kudos and Team Moments.

LinkedIn wants to help organizations reveal their ‘human side,’ by giving Page Admins the opportunity to leverage a custom content format designed specifically to help them feature Team Moments i.e. new team members, exceptional work, milestones and more.

3. Completion Meter – Take Your Page To The Next Level

According to LinkedIn, more “complete” LinkedIn Pages garner 30% more page views per week than their incomplete counterparts. However, less than 5% of Page Admins with an incomplete Page choose to update it.

Could this be because people don’t know what makes a page “complete.” Perhaps. To change this LinkedIn is launching a Profile Completion Meter on business pages, featuring a personalized experience that helps Page Admins fill in the blanks, and make the most of their Page real estate.

It makes total sense for many reasons to have a ‘complete’ Page. For one, it unlocks additional features such as ‘Content Suggestions,’ that can help you surface trending topics within your exact target audience.

Go for it! Check them out. You can also get up to speed on LinkedIn’s latest best practice tips and more, here.

[box]Read next: Linkedin Opens Nominations For #BestofPages 2019 [/box]
