If there is not thing social media have taught us, it is that we can make the Internet about what we like. Our Facebook interests, the people we follow on Twitter, the pictures we like on Instagram, the videos we like to watch on YouTube, everything is made so that we get to see what we like as much as possible.
There is one thing that has “forgotten” to evolve though: digital banners.
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Let’s face it, advertisers know a lot more about us than they did 5 years ago. Thanks to all our activity on social media, they can target us based on who we are, where we live, what we buy, what we like, etc…. and they use all that to show us the same digital banners, over and over again.
As a result, ad-blockers have flourished and Internet users have really taken a dislike towards those flashy, often animated banners you find on most sites (well, except ours of course!)
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So what is the solution?
The economic model of the Internet is still very dependant on online advertising. We will not be getting rid of banners anytime soon, will we? So what can be done?
Post-it®, the sticky note brand, had an awesome idea: what if banners actually became something useful? Something that helps you remember the important things you have to do, a bit like real life Post-it notes, basically.
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So they came up with this (watch the video) and we truly agree with them: these are the banners that will make the Internet like banners again!