Remember when Facebook decided that you would have no other choice but to use Messenger on mobile? Well, it seems the company is now strongly pushing for further integration of Messenger on desktop as well.
When I logged in on earlier, I could not help but notice that the usual message inbox icon in the top right corner of my Facebook had been replaced by the now more-known Messenger icon.
I didn’t think much of it at first. I thought it made total sense for Facebook to update the icon. After all, more than 1 billion of us are now using Messenger, and it has grown to be a more recognisable icon.
Then, as I was browsing other websites, I also came across this:
Yes, Facebook now has desktop notifications for Messenger. And no, I have never opted for those, they just came.
Notifications seem to be showing the full message, but do not include GIFs, Images, or video for the moment. A click on the notification box, brings you to where you can follow up on the conversation from the usual chat box.
I’m not surprised that Facebook is pushing for more Messenger integration on desktop. I like the unified experience that I get between my phone and my laptop to be honest. But asking first, would have been nice, right?
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